Civil Litigation Lawyers in Greenville South Carolina

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Civil Litigation Lawyers -Greenville, South Carolina

If you have ever been involved in a legal dispute with another person or entity, you have likely experienced civil litigation. Civil litigation refers to any type of legal proceeding in which one private citizen sues another. Common examples of civil litigation include small claims cases, landlord disputes, and breach of contract cases. If you are involved in civil litigation, you will likely need to hire an attorney to represent you. Sentinel Law Firm is a great choice for anyone who needs representation in a civil litigation case. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to get you the best possible outcome. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

What Does A Civil Litigation Attorney Do?

Small Claims Court

Our attorneys are well-versed in the laws governing these types of cases.

Breach of Contract

If you have been the victim of a breach of contract, call Sentinel today for your virtual or in-person consultation.

Torts Claims

Sentinel is committed to protecting the rights of those who have been injured, and they will fight tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve.

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Schedule Your Virtual Consultation

Our talented and experienced attorneys are ready to listen to your case. Give us a call to schedule an appointment.

Civil Litigation Lawyer FAQs

Sentinel Law Firm is here to help with your civil litigation needs. We understand the need to protect and enforce your legal rights. We understand the importance of getting results for our clients, and we will work tirelessly to get the best possible outcome in your case. Let us help guide you through the complex civil litigation process, and provide the legal protection you deserve. Contact Sentinel Law Firm today to schedule your consultation.

Filing a civil lawsuit in South Carolina can be a daunting task, but understanding the process and knowing where to start can make it much less intimidating. 

1. Determine if you have a valid claim. In order to file a lawsuit, you must first have a valid claim. This means you must have some type of damages as a result of the defendant’s actions. You will also need to be able to prove the defendant is liable for your damages. Additionally, there is a time limit in which your suit must be filed, called the statute of limitations. Be sure to speak with your attorney regarding the statute of limitations on your case.

2. Find the right court. Once you have determined that you have a valid claim, you will need to find the correct court in which to file your lawsuit. If the defendant is an individual, you will file your lawsuit in small claims court, district court, or circuit court depending on the amount of money you are seeking in damages. If the defendant is a business, you will file your lawsuit in circuit court.

3. Serve the defendant with a summons and complaint. After you have determined which court has jurisdiction over your case and filed your lawsuit, you will need to “serve” the defendant with a summons and complaint. This means that someone who is not party to the lawsuit must physically hand-deliver these documents to the defendant. The summons will notify the defendant that he or she has been sued and must appear in court on a certain date, and the complaint will state your claims against the defendant and what relief you are seeking from the court.

4. Appear in court on the date specified in the summons. On the date specified in the summons, both parties will appear before a judge or magistrate who will hear each side’s arguments and evidence and decide whether or not to grant relief to the plaintiff. If either party is dissatisfied with the decision, he or she may appeal to a higher court.

Filing a civil lawsuit can be complex process, but understanding the steps involved can help make it less daunting. If you have a civil litigation case you need to file, be sure to contact Sentinel Law Firm so we can help guide you through this process.

Who can you turn to after a Breach of Contract?

Sentinel Law Firm is here to protect your interests and help you recover damages if you’ve been the victim of a breach of contract. We are here to help you through your contract disputes, whether you’re a business owner or  individual, we are committed to fighting for our clients’ rights. If you have a breach of contract issue, contact Sentinel Law Firm today to schedule a consultation. We will review your case and determine the best course of action to provide you with the legal protection you deserve.

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Get the best legal representation for your case.

Sentinel Law Firm is here to provide excellent legal services for clients in all of our civil litigation cases. Our attorneys are dedicated to getting the best possible results for our clients, and are committed to providing the quality of legal representation our clients deserve. If you have a civil lawsuit that you need help with, Sentinel Law Firm can help. Contact Sentinel today to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.